
domenica musica - HiJazz - Bab-ı Esrar

.Thursday function of group ritual...

Giovedi parole: passare simplon pass - interamente d'orato

Thursday Words: minimal phenomenal selfhood and the free energy principal

Domenica Musica - Have you ever seen the rain

Giovedi Parole: Confirmation Bias (in Shakespeare e altrove)

Giovedi. Parole - Il Gatto del Tango Lombardo

Domenica Musica: Che faccia - Who Are You

Thursday Words: the Evolution of lying

Domenica Musica - Thunderstruck

sunday music: women's menstrual cycle phase impacts sexual preference for composers of more complex music

Thursday Words - The Death of Napolitano. Freeze in Hell

Domenica. Musica: I Lombardi. Steppenwolf - Born To be Wild

thursday words: In the Brain, Memories Are Inextricably Tied to Place

Thursday Words: Delfini contro Monti (Mario)

Sunday Music: Breaking Away (Symphony No 4, in A (“Italian Symphony”). Op. 90. – Mendelssohn)

Thursday Words: - the fantastic flying books of Mr. Lessmore

Sunday Music: Trading 4's

parole giovedi: Un bicchierino non sarebbe una brutta idea

Domenica Musica - Brad Mehldau

Thursday Words: The 10 movies that effected me the most

Thursday Words: Psychopathic Criminals do Not Lack Empathy