comment: ..... there are other considerations and consequences related to and dependant not a little on how the subject is recounted and then treated. Though it shouldn't be so difficult still it seems there is often reticence if not a sort of denial that epigenetics may not only merely articulate but even be determinate. That's important also because once accepted, it's hard to parametrize subjects absolutely as singular individuals or elements and it also becomes hard not to include context. Which, of course, would make (and will end making anyway) a lot of...stuff, obsolete while making it a lot harder to describe but also yield richer, better descriptive models.
From a network level - say: my mom having a certain circumstance during a certain period when I was in the oven which made her code less of 'a'; which in turn made something else in her code more of'b'; which in turn made developing me code less of 'c'; which later led to me coding relatively more 'd '- increasing the early influence of a certain pathway on my developing equilibrium, the result of which then could have been minimal in circumstance 'e' or more determinate in circumstance 'f'; and so on. To a different level - if I learn early flavor 'a' in an environment 'b' (prompting the coding of c) then I will not buy product d later, preferring product e - but will in environment b2, where the environment has led me to code f which will lead me to not be conscious of and even deny flavor 'a' exists. And so on. Anyway......
...and the HPA example might (is, I think) even be a relatively very, very simple example of the problem. But try telling that to, say, certain economists - though most intelligently don't even try. (Ah, futility. And exasperation.) Or explaining to a senior manager vp or ceo or prime minister that it isn't the genes he gave his daughter that is allowing her to go to THAT private school THAT university THAT position that make her genetically smarter '...because that's just the way genetics works. We're better than (you all) normal people.' ( Added here in 2024; Or even...say, invade a land of your more similar genetic brethen but call them animals.) Call me a ...goy....Anyway 2. .....
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